Mark Trudgett's Home Page
About Me
Data Sheets - Some useful information
About Me
Data Sheets - Some useful information

Some Products of Life

"All you create. All you destroy. All that you do. All that you say." - but not really everything under the Sun...

About Me

"The lunatic is on the grass" - Pink Floyd

Whenever one identifies as a scientist, there arises the inevtiable caricature of the "mad scientist". I'm pretty sure that I'm not mad. I'm inventive and creative - and to do that in the current era means that we can't "keep off the grass": we need to challenge conventions and find new ways to integrate the incredible depth of knoweldge that exists in otherwise disparate fields.

About Me


"Hmm, that's interesting" - Jack Sparrow

There's very little that I don't find interesting. As long as a subject or activity has some substance and isn't completely ephemeral, it will gain some of my attention.

From astronomy to gardening, fly-fishing to microcontrollers, you'll find here some of activities that have been of significant interest over the years.


Data Sheets

"I have detailed files" - The Terminator

Gathered here, you will find a collection of hopefully useful information on a variety of topics from off-road trailers to home made scientific instruments, software and educational resources.

Data Sheets


"It is not your paintings I like, it is your painting" - Albert Camus

... which is fortunate because most of my images  - and paintings in particular - are not that good. There is, however something worthwhile in the attempt to capture ideas or emotions in images.

This is a small selection of my work that I personally find interesting.



Please forgive links that don't work or lead to nothing. The site is in the slow process of being updated in 'free' time!